Project Rebound PNW |
About Project rebound PNW |
Project Rebound PNW is a program to assist previously incarcerated individuals as they pursue higher education and reintegrate into society. Understanding the challenges formerly incarcerated individuals encounter in accessing education, Project Rebound is committed to providing them with the necessary resources, support, and opportunities for academic and personal development. Oregon's prison demographics reveal a stark disproportion, with Black and Native individuals overrepresented. This inequity often results in the silencing of formerly incarcerated voices. Project Rebound PNW challenges this silencing by employing student leaders, many of whom are Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), in decision-making processes. Confronting intersecting forms of oppression due to their formerly incarcerated status and racism, AmeriCorps compensates these students for their time, labor, and expertise. To connect with Project Rebound PNW contact the team at [email protected] |